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Monday, January 14, 2008

Palm Pilot Panic

Yesterday was rough. My palm pilot decided to erase all my calendar items and all my addresses from the letter P-Z. Good thing I had backed it up, except for the fact that it won't allow me to reinstall the backup version. Maybe one of the worst nights of my life. I've had that thing since 2002. If you fall into the last name of P-Z category- we no longer have your address or phone. Would you help a brotha out and email me yo's to the Real American Hero who invented electronic calendars. I should have stuck with my ol daytimer. Thanks for nothing Mr. Palm Pilot inventor guy.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Does this mean you lost J. J. Reddick's contact info? You guys were like best friends. I feel bad. What are you going to do now. By the way. UNC 1st loss this year will be to the Coach K led Dukies.