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Monday, February 18, 2008

Project 127

This weekend Natalie and I sort of officially began our "adoption journey." We attended a 4 hour Adoption Seminar and heard presentations from a few different agencies.
We would like to have our own biological children one day (hopefully soon after we finish grad school), but we would also love to adopt some kids who need parents. We're unsure of the specific direction (international vs domestic/ infant vs older/ special needs vs healthy/ single child vs sibling group), but just open to God's leading. After watching Nate (Nat's older brother) and Suellen go through the Guatemalan adoption process with Pierce, we thought we might also adopt from there, but Guatemalan adoption is currently closed.
One of the agencies that most impressed us at the seminar was Project 127. The name comes from James 1:27 - "True religion is this, to care for orphans and widows in their distress." Their mission is to get all the foster care children in the state of Colorado adopted by families through connecting with local churches. There are 800 kids waiting for families and over 3000 churches in Colorado. Its pretty amazing what an impact they are already having. Word is that they are in the beginning stages of expanding to NC, so we got excited about the possibility of us helping Project 127 get started there and possibly working with that organization after seminary.
One of the most encouraging things about the adoption seminar was the conversation we had with an older divorced woman whose children were grown up and all out of the home. She said she had extra bedrooms and love to give, so she was beginning the process of adopting an older sibling group. Pretty incredible.

1 comment:

The Shinnicks said...

we're thinking of going through project 127, too! maybe before we leave co, lord willing. we love you guys!

- becky