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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tough as Nails

They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. For me it has taken 21 years to break one. When I was in Mrs. Davis' 4th grade class at Jefferson Elementary, I began biting my nails, probably the result of the academic weight of AG classes. That year my mom offered to give me $10 for each finger if I would stop biting my nails. Well, I'm writing to collect. After inflation, I've calculated that the promised $100 in 1987 would now be $186.76. Mom, you can make the check payable to "Drew 'scissorhands' Hill." : )

So what motivated me to stop? Four things.
1. When my sister Abby returned from a semester in Spain in December, she had broken her habit. Seeing her nails made me believe it could happen.
2. I decided that since I was turning 30 this year, I should grow up and act like an adult. Boy, those last 16 years of adolescence sure were fun.
3. For school we have to write a "character formation" contract each semester. My goal for this semester was "self-discipline" and stopping biting my nails was a practical way to grow in that.
4. It was one of the things I gave up for Lent. Making it a pact between God and I made me take it a little more seriously. Funny thing to give up for Lent, huh?

So what are the advantages to having nails? Well, now I can do a few things I never could before:
-scratch Natalie's back
-open a can drink without a spoon
-get the smell to come out of scratch and sniff stickers
-remove the lint from the lint-trap in the dryer
-and plenty more exciting new things I'm discovering every day

Here is a pretty gross pic of my nails from our wedding.

And here are some shots we took yesterday!

Check out them badboys! Mom, I love making you proud! : ) SURPRISE!!!


Blake (and sometimes Ashley) said...

I'm speechless.

Linda Hill said...

Drew, The check is in the mail...I AM AMAZED and PROUD. Love, MOM

Sterling Griggs said...

Dude, now that you've stopped biting them it's time to cut them. Long nails on guys are gross.

Anonymous said...

absolutely hilarious! i keep clear nailpolish on so i don't bite them...a backup plan in case you fall off the wagon. Better yet, Natalie owns 1000 pretty glittery colors that I'm sure you could barrah!