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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Woman of her word

My mom is a woman of her word. She kept her promise and the "fingernail check" came in the mail today. Thanks mama! I'm going to use it to buy some sort of palm pilot, since mine broke. Please vote on the survey to the left and let me know if you think I should:

1. Keep writing on my real palm and risk ink poisoning.
2. Buy a used Palm Treo off of Ebay.
3. Buy a new Palm Treo from an ATT store.
4. Go ahead and sell out and buy an iPhone, since I don't have an iPod or a palm pilot.


Matthew Smith said...

Wait until June when the new iPhone comes out and you'll be able to get an older version for less. :)

Linda Hill said...

Drew, i would vote BUT I have NO CLUE ABOUT this technology, BUT I know I would rather you NOT write on your PALM... I am glad the money can be useful for something you want. love, MOM

Linda Hill said...

Also,I would have tried to write neater IF I had known the note would be PUBLIC:) MOM

David Strunk said...

Seriously, how much money do you have?

Iphone has to be out. The check should completely cover whatever option you choose.

Laura wants a new phone, but we have to be clever on how we work it into the budget. You YL people and your clamoring for new technology!

I jest of course good buddy.

go heels