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Thursday, December 11, 2008


This is sadly not the first all-nighter that I have pulled this semester. Its finals week and we had Young Life tonight, and I've got two finals tomorrow, so, knowing what this night held in store, I bought my first ever energy drink today. I went with a "monster" and it honestly tastes like cough syrup. I'm not sure if its working, but I'm still awake. I am trying to reward myself with a 5 minute study break after each hour, and for this break, I thought I'd try and earn the sympathy of the blogosphere. I never imagined I'd be thirty years old and studying Greek at 4am. Christmas, come quick.


Sterling Griggs said...

Go with the Red Bull next time. Actually, the sugar rush from these drinks can be replaced by just drinking cups of Kool Aid.

Ben said...

Cough syrup? That's generous. The stuff tastes like... well... it tastes really bad. (Witty similes escape me.) Does Red Bull really taste any better? Am I willing to take a risk & find out sometime? We'll see...