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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's Next 4 The Mile High Hills?

On June 15th we're dropping from 5,280 ft in altitude down to 898 ft. Although it will be easier to breathe, I'm not that excited about the heat, humidity, and pollen. Maybe the Bojangles' sweet tea and chicken biscuits will make it worth it!

It will be bitter sweet to say farewell to the incredible mountain views and amazing friends we've made over the past three years residing in the Mile High City, BUT...we are so thankful to get to share Honey Cate with our friends and families in NC and GA.

Since a few of you are asking, here's the plan:
-Our nephew (Nat's brother's baby boy) is due to be born June 13th, so we hope to spend some of our first week back in NC loving on him in Kannapolis, and catching up with all of our other family as well, including our other 2 nephews: Pierce and Kessler!

-We're gonna set up headquarters in Winston-Salem in my Mamaw's basement for a few weeks, enjoy some time at Ocean Isle beach with the Hill/Craft/Kessler clan and make up for lost time with my sister Abby who's been in Honduras all year teaching 2nd grade!

-I'm also speaking at some youth camps in Texas, so we'll be gone for a few weeks for that and I'll be spending lots of time prepping.

-We're also gonna explore some possible job opportunities for me, hoping to start somewhere in August. I'm looking for a youth ministry job, preferably one where I get to spend lots of time with teenagers who are searching. I'm also excited about having an opportunity to train folks who want to learn more about how to reach teenagers. Right now Athens, GA ( and a church partnership with Young Life in Greensboro, NC are both great potential options! We cherish your prayers and we discern where God is calling us!

-Natalie still has 3 classes left before she graduates with her Masters in Counseling, but is going to do them online, including 1 class this summer. She also has a couple hundred Counseling internship hours she needs before graduation, so she'll be looking for a counseling internship wherever we end up.

-We'd love for you to help us network for jobs as well. If you have any leads or connections, just email me and I'll shoot you my resume.

We're excited to see what's next! Thx 4 ur prayers!

Drew, Nat, and Honey


Anonymous said...


Jamie and Joy George said...

best of luck with your move and job possibilities, and congratulations on graduating!!
Jamie, Joy and Breeson
p.s. unfortunately we won't be able to make it to your going away party - sorry!

April said...

definitely praying for you!!! Hope the move goes well and I am praying for you and Natalie both to hear clearly from the Lord and where He is guiding you in this season of your lives! Blessings to you all!! And that sweet Honey Cate! I just love her!!

Have you heard my news yet?? I am moving to Maryland at the end of June!! A UMChurch has offered me a children's ministry and weekday preschool director job in Frederick, Maryland and I accepted it this week! I am very excited and scared all at the same time...but I feel good about this decision!!

Hope y'all are doing well!!!