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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fullness Awaits

Unlike my wife or mother, I am not addicted to any blogs. It probably would be a healthier addiction for me than my latest fad of Friday Night Lights, season 2 on Netflix, but I'm still hoping Coach Taylor lets Riggins back on the team, so that usually wins out.

One blog that I do read is written by one of my heroes, Allen Levi.  I don't know Allen well, but he's one of those rare people you meet who radiate humility, wisdom, and the aroma of Christ. Allen is a singer/songwriter and has an amazing way with words.  A few years ago he interviewed several people from his hometown in Hamilton, GA and put together a CD of songs about them called "People in my Town."  It is one of my top 5 favorite albums of all-time. On the record, he interviews and sings about a man named Shorty Floyd.  After listening to his story through song many many times, although I never met him, I almost felt like Shorty had become a friend of sorts. Two weeks ago, Shorty passed away.

Last night I read this post that Levi wrote about Shorty. (I highly recommend reading it!) I read it once to myself and spilled tears all over my keyboard. Then I read it out loud to Nat and cried like a baby again.

Its crazy how beautiful words can be. Its amazing how beautiful life can be. And yet, we only know in part. The fullness awaits.  1 Corinthians 13:12

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Allen - that reminds me of a staff meeting we once had. Actually, that reminds me of every staff meeting we ever had. "They are .... dirt....."

Love you man.