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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Update on my Dad

Thanks to many of you for praying for my dad. If you haven't heard, last week my dad was in a bad accident on the raquetball court and was ambulanced to ICU at Baptist hospital. He had a fracture in his neck/spine and bleeding on the brain. After a few days in the ICU, he was moved to a regular room and is now home. He's been doing better, but today he is in lots of pain. Looking like a long road to recovery. Please pray for him and for my mom as she has lots of stress on her and is having to miss lots of work. Thanks for praying. We'll keep you posted as anything changes.


Aaron E. Elmore said...

Drew, sorry to hear about your day. We will definitely keep him in our prayers. I been following your blog for a while, but now I am an official "follower." I got two blogs running right now if you want to like them in your blog roll and/or follow them. Personal blog is and my ministry blog is

Take care bro...miss ya! AE

Aaron E. Elmore said...

cant type! Sorry to hear about your DAD.