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Friday, December 14, 2007

Greedy burritos

I'm wrestling with this huge tension inside me. It’s been such an encouraging morning, and I just want to tell everyone our good news (thus the reason for this posting), but I also feel guilty celebrating. I know that there are other folks who applied for the job who need the discounted rent as badly as we do, if not more. I know there are starving people who need the burritos more than I do. I know that when other people win stuff, this ugly jealousy often rises within my spirit- and I don't want others to feel that way towards me. But honestly, the ugly in me is sheer greed.

When I was a youth pastor in Athens we did a series we called "Pirates of the Heart." It was a play off of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and focused on the things within us that rob our heart of joy and truly experiencing spirit-filled life. One of those "pirates" was GREED. We said that we get rid of greed by giving generously. As much as I want those burritos, I feel like it’s just a small way that God is calling me to share and break that greed. I always say that I wish I had more to give away. People are so generous to us. I guess this is a chance we have to share...and to our neighbors, other poor seminary students, there is something real special about free burritos.

The joy a free burrito can bring is really beyond words. It is somewhat comparable to the splendor of a free round of golf during the family beach week when your dad or uncle pays. It’s a lot like how that steak and shrimp tastes so much better when the waitress gives the ticket to your father-in-law. Or that feeling you get when you bought the large sweet tea at Mickey D's, even though they have free refills, just so you could get the Monopoly game piece on the cup- and although it wasn't Boardwalk, it is a coupon for a free Filet-o-Fish. And there's nothing like a free Filet-o-Fish, except maybe a Chipotle burrito.

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