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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Platte River Biking

  I can hardly move today, thus I'm blogging instead of moving. A bunch of us get together to play football on Saturdays, and crashing on the frozen ground is just painful. It gives me great respect for Brett Favre. I can't imagine taking a real beating from 400 lbs guys at age 52 or however old he is. On Sunday afternoon (following the brutal pigskin match on Saturday) we took a 37 mile bike ride with our friends Steve and Jody Duby. There is this BOOYAH trail right behind our apartment that runs for hundreds of miles in each direction. We rode along the Platte River all the way to dowtown Denver and back. That is one of our "Top 10 things we want in a hometown." When we move back to the South (hopefully in 2.5 years or so), we'd like to move to a town with bike trails. We looked on this website,, and entered in all the things we wanted in a town. It told us to move to Hendersonville, NC. Hmmmm.
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1 comment:

AnnieBlogs said...

I can't believe you guys have been blogging this long and I didn't know!!

Glad to know now!!

Miss y'all. Are you sure that website didn't say Atlanta? :)

Much love to you both.