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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Starting over...Again

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As we bid farewell to another season of the NFL and my brother's somewhat awkward crush on Phillip Rivers, a different season has begun in our lives. Today is Natalie's first day of grad school. I was planning on packing her a lunch box, but it just seemed strange to do so considering our apartment is a 3 minute walk from the classrooms. We did take a picture by the door, like my parents used to always take of us on the first day of school. We feel so thankful to know God's clear direction in the constant affirmations we both receive that this is exactly where God wants Natalie. Although she applied before Christmas, we just this week received news that she was awarded a $2300 scholarship for this year! It was a HUGE blessing!

In the past 3 weeks we have moved apartments, started new jobs, re-started classes, and we're just dad-gum excited about having a little rhythm in our lives again. We missed getting out Christmas cards, and we were shooting to send out Groundhog Day cards, but it doesn't look like we're gonna make the Feb 2. deadline, so...maybe we'll get out President's day cards... thx for caring about us enough to spend 3 minutes today reading our blog.

Oh, btw (by the way), my palm pilot is indeed eternally fried, so if any of you know how I can get a free Palm Treo Att (Cingular) Mobile Phone, let me know. I'm hoping to find someone who upgraded to the iPhone and just has their old Treo in a desk drawer. It never hurts to ask... :)


Blake (and sometimes Ashley) said...

Small chance I can find a cheap/free Treo...I'll let you know.

P-Riv is my dogg!

AnnieBlogs said...

Love the picture.