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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Public tears

As part of the curriculum here at Denver Seminary, we are required to be in a "Spiritual Formation Group" for three consecutive semesters. Its a group of 10 students and our leader, Deral Schrom, who is a local pastor in town. We meet every other week to share life together and encourage one another. I appreciate the fact that this school is just as concerned with my heart as they are with my mind. Last week was my turn to share my story and what Christ has done in my life.

I finished my time by sharing how difficult this transition from "full time student ministry" to "full time student" has been for me. I am not wired to learn Greek and read all the time. I would much rather be loving people. BUT...I know that God has called me to this and has great purposes in this time of preparation.

Natalie reminded me of a quote from Jim Elliot that I attempted to read to my group. It stirred me deeply and 3 weeks into our group, I was already a basket case. I guess I have my dad to thank for my inability to fight tears in public. I'm thankful I have a dad who I watched cry many times and pave the way for me to be able to be honest and real, even when its embarrassing.

Here's the quote from Jim's journal, written when he was 24 years old in 1952:

On patience in serving God in inglorious ways
"One doesn’t learn to speak a language in a couple of months. It will be plugging for a good while yet. Seems that Ill never get through preparing for the mission field. But I’ve been comforted this week thinking of our Lords thirty silent years of readying Himself at home with His family and bending over a carpenters bench. Were those days any less of a fragrance to God than His later work before the eyes of the people? I think not. A well-made piece of furniture and a healed blind man represented the same thing to the Father---a job well done; mission accomplished. So with us here. Nothing great, but what is that to Him with Whom there is no great or small?"

1 comment:

David Strunk said...

Thanks brother.