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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Still kickin...

We prayed about the car decision and gave "Mechanic Dave" the green light to go ahead with the $482 repairs to the wheel cylinders, brake shoes, etc... and so the Hillmobile is still kickin'. The cool part of the story is we got a check for $150 for dogsitting the next day and then opened our mail to find another $340 that four different friends/fam had mailed to us for Valentines day. Who gets $340 for V-day? WOW! Add that up...150+340= $490. We spent the extra 8 bucks on girl scout cookies. I like thin mints, Nat's a Samoa fan. God provides.

1 comment:

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

"God provides." Amen and Amen!

And good choice of how to spend the bit of extra cash. I myself purchased six, count 'em, SIX boxes yesterday. I'm such a sucker. But you can freeze the Thin Mints and they last forever!

So fun to find your blog and catch up on what you're doing...

Leslie (used to be Unger, now Petree)