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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cut it out!

I saw this shirt on my friend Paul Mannino's blog and it stirred within me great memories from middle school. I'll be honest with you, its sounds sad, but I have watched every episode of "Full House" that is in existence. The great thing about Full House is that every day after school I imagined being a different character on the show. Some days, when I was looking for comedic inspiration, I would pretend to be Uncle Joey in my head. I actually did the whole scissors "cut it out" thing one time at lunch, but it bombed. Days when I wanted to be a musician, I would air guitar like Uncle Jesse. I still remember the words to the music video he made. (If every word I said, could make you love, I'd talk forever...) And he was so cool because he dated Rebbecca Donaldson, who we all thought was a hottie! But that crush did not compare to DJ Tanner. I'm still not sure who I dug more, her or Topanga (from Boy Meets World). Danny Tanner was a little too dorky for me to ever idolize him, but that's cool because I hear that he is now a filthy stand up comic.

I think this shirt is funny, but I know if I wore it, it would seriously reduce my cool points. So...instead of buying it, I just posted a picture of it on our blog, which probably still reduces my cool points. Its kind of like I'm wearing it, just on my blog instead of my torso. Cut it out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He he he...thanks for the link? Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny too. Then he went on "The Surreal Life."

I always wanted to choke DJ's skinny friend, Kimmy Gibbler. But I couldn't reach through my TV.