Weekly Winner: Sarah Kenney
I know we’ve been slacking on awarding a “personalized blog post” to one of our favorite faithful blog readers, but this week we’ve decided to bring the award back due to an amazing act of kindness. We would like to dedicate this blog post to our favorite Denver Seminary Admissions Administrator, Ms. Sarah Kenney. A few months ago Sarah read on our blog that I was looking for an old iPod because I have held out long enough. She heard the call and answered and now I am the proud owner of a baby blue iPod Mini. I’ve already used it a ton! SO THANKS SARAH! You are a most deserving Weekly Weading Wainbow Winna!
Hahaha I am so glad that my first apperance on your blog looks as though I am naked...
I was thinking more that the face part didn't really do you justice, Sarah!
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