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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hill Highlights: A Brief Update

Greetings to the few of you who actually read our blog! Here's a lil update on life with the Hills, in numbered fashion.

1. BABY HILL: Nat is still feeling great. She is 18 weeks pregnant, almost halfway, and as far as we know, Quattro is growing. We'll get our next ultrasound on March 13th and post some pics then. We are NOT planning on finding out the sex until the delivery room, but we did visit Babies R Us last week and it made it more difficult to wait...but we're still holding strong. Last weekend, Nat was able to go back to NC to celebrate our nephew Pierce's 3rd b-day and her Momma's (Note: No age mentioned)bday as well. Our fams also gave us our first baby shower! I'm getting more and more excited about being a dad every day!

2. COUNSELING: As I write this, Nat is in a counseling session with a client. This semester she has started her counseling internship at The Care Center at Crossroads Church in Denver. She has 7 weekly clients and is loving it. Everything from pre-marital counseling, to leading an addictions recovery group.

3. YOUNG LIFE: This morning was a late start day at Arapahoe High. They have one late start day a month for staff development, so we've started a tradition of cooking pancakes at the YL house and it still amazes me that high school kids would rather come there than sleep in, but they show up. YL is going awesome. I love these kids and feel like I'm right in my sweet spot. If you pray, please pray for me on Tuesday afternoons. I've been carrying around this heaviness lately as I spend time each Tuesday with this specific group of kids who have a lot of junk in their lives. Its so heavy that it physically affects me.
Thankfully our YL area is still afloat financially. With the dip in the economy, so many YL areas are taking big hits. Thank you, thank you to those of you who support us and Littleton area YL! Its such a privilege to get to share Jesus with my high school friends.

4. SUNSHINE: We absolutely love living in Colorado, and the beauty out here makes it tough to think about moving in a year and a half, wherever God leads us, but hopefully back to the South! We went running today in shorts and tank tops. Well, Nat wore a tank top, but it would have been sweet if I'd worn one. Its been in the 70's for the past few days. For some reason people think of Colorado as cold, but this winter has been straight BOOYAH.

5. LENT: Today starts the season of Lent. Last year I wrote this about Lent.

Thanks for reading, for loving us, and for your prayers for us and Quattro.

"Then Jesus said to all the people: "If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow me." Luke 9:23 (CEV)

1 comment:

Chris Durkin said...

Praying for babyhill and your "other" kids too..